Gustavo Rivas

National University of Córdoba, Cordoba, Argentina

Talk Title: Assembling functionalized carbon nanomaterials as Lego pieces  to build electrochemical sensors
G. Rivas, P. Dalmasso, M. López Mujica, A. Tamborelli, M. D. Rubianes, M. Rodríguez, V. Vaschetti, S. Piguillén, D. Reartes, R. Delpino, L. Bravo, F. Aghemo, Renato Facchini

INFIQC-CONICET. Departamento de Fisicoquímica. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Ciudad Universitaria. 5000 Córdoba. Argentina.

Dr. Rivas is Plenary Full Professor at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Cordoba National University (UNC) and Superior Researcher at Argentine Research Council (CONICET) (Argentina). Since 2016 he is member of the National Academy of Sciences of Argentina. Dr. Rivas is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical and member of the editorial board of Electroanalysis. He received the awards “Ranwell Caputto” (National Academy of Sciences of Argentina, 2001), “Rafael Labriola” (Argentinean Chemical Society, 2004), “Konnex on Nanotechnology” (Fundación Konnex, 2013), and “Consagration Award” (National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Argentina, 2017). Dr. Rivas is author of more than 190 peer review papers and several book chapters, with more than 12000 citations and H index of 59. He was President of the Argentinean Association of Analytical Chemists (2007-2009). Dr. Rivas was the Head of the Physical Chemistry Department at Chemical Sciences Faculty (UNC, 2009-2010). Since 2020 is IAAM-fellow. He participated very actively in different Argentine Science and Technology organisms coordinating Chemistry Committees at CONICET, Ministry of Science and Technology of Cordoba, and National Agency for the Scientific and Technological Promotion. Dr. Rivas had a key role in the development of the Analytical Chemistry in Argentina. He presented plenary and invited lectures in different countries. Current research activities of Dr. Rivas are focused on the study of new strategies for the development of electrochemical nano(bio)sensors devoted to the quantification of (bio)markers of clinical and environmental relevance.