Talk Title: Analysis of individual cells using mass spectrometric approaches: an analytical challenge
Maria Montes-Bayón is Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry in the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Oviedo (Spain) since December 2017.
Prof. Maria Montes-Bayón holds a bachelor in Chemistry (1993, University of Oviedo, Spain), bachelor-thesis in Analytical Chemistry (1994, University of Plymouth, UK and Oviedo) and a PhD (1999, University of Oviedo; awarded) degree. In the year 2000, she joined the research group of Prof. Joseph A. Caruso at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA) as Postdoctoral Fulbright Fellow. She got back to Oviedo with a Senior Researcher contract and was promoted in 2008 to Associate Professor and in 2017 to Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry. Her main research interests are: a) Development of quantitative strategies for determination of molecular biomarkers of clinical relevance at the single cell level using ICP-MS; b) Evaluation of encapsulated metallodrugs for their potential use in chemotherapy using mass spectrometry: a focus on cellular resistance mechanisms; and c) analytical tools to study biomedical aspects of nanoparticles: biogenic nanoparticles and metal nano-debris from metallic implants.
She has supervised 14 PhD students since 2007 and mentor of 5 postdocs who built up a successful career afterwards. She has given >40 invited and plenary lectures in national and international congresses and conferences and co-authors 184 publications (90% in Q1; 32 with >50 citations), including original research articles, reviews, and several book chapters (H-index=46). She has got funding through 30 international/national/regional research projects (15 of the as PI) and is associate editor of the journal Metallomics (RSC/OUP) since 2015. Currently, she has been elected as President of Spanish Society for Analytical Chemistry since 2022. In 2013 she was awarded with the Bunsen-Kirchhoff award and in 2023 with the Lester W. Strock award.