Talk Title : Comprehensive steroid profiling as bioanalytical readouts for toxicology : uncover hormonal alterations in cannabis users
Serge Rudaz is Professor at the University of Geneva where he leads the biomedical and metabolomics analysis (BMA) group. He’s vice-president of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, President of the Swiss Metabolomics Society (SMS), vice-president of the Competence Center in Chemical and Toxicological Analysis (ccCTA) and member of the management Board of the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT) Foundation.
He is interested in UHPLC and CE coupled to MS, advances in sample preparation, analysis of pharmaceuticals and counterfeits medicines, biological matrices, clinical and preclinical studies, including metabolism and toxicological analysis. He is a (co)author of over 10 book chapters and more than 330 peer-reviewed papers, with an H-index (Scopus) of 59. He was chair/co-chair of several national or international congress, such as Chimiométrie 2015, SEP 2017 and MSB 2020 and PBA 2024.
Serge Rudaz is developing new strategies for targeted and untargeted metabolomics analyses and specializes in the analysis of low molecular weight compounds in biological matrices. Among then, his research has focused on steroid and steroidomic approaches for doping and toxicological issues. This has led to the development of an original methodology for automated steroids annotation using a dedicated dynamic database involving retention time prediction from state-of-the-art in silico models. Study of alterations in steroidogenesis in the context of several essential biological questions is therefore commonly achieved. This includes the evaluation of the impact of potential or confirmed endocrine disruptors (exposure to dioxins and analysis of Viktor Yushchenko’s samples, implementation of the H295R cellular model recognized by the OECD), the characterization of the steroidal profile in relation to male fertility. In the doping field, the improvement the detection capabilities in endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids abuse by the development of the steroidal module of the athlete biological passport was achieved.
His research group has also focused on developing chemometric approaches dedicated to the analysis of data produced by MS couplings. Aspects of dimensionality reduction and multi-table analysis are addressed through collaborative projects in the fields of toxicology, biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. Web: